This is a project I'm hoping will be widely used in the bike shop industry. Ideally used by bikeshop mechanics in order to help streamline their process for ordering cassettes. I'm currently a Manager of a small independant bike shop and the amount of time myself and the mechanincs would spend searching all our suppliers for a specific cassette was rediculas. We were constantly plagued with stock issues, compatibility issues, suppliers picking up or dropping brands or sometimes suppliers just closing down. With this database, I aim to build a free website that mechanics can use as a tool to do the searching for them.
The idea is they will select the speed, ratio or the brand they need, and be given a list of all the suppliers that stock compatiable cassettes. With links and part numbers, they will be able to go straight to that supplier to find what they need, saving hours of time and making the whole process more efficeint and massively reduce costs for the business.
If this is succesfull, I'd love to expand to other parts of a bike, but for the mean time, cassettes are the most frustrating and common time-waster as their are just so many different ratios and suppliers to search through, so let's start there!
- Python
- SQLite3
- Flask api
- JavaScript
- Database Management